Avoid this when recruiting
Finding the right candidate for the right role is a challenge. Don’t get us wrong, there are a lot of talented people out there but we also know it’s a struggle finding these people due to limited time and resources. Therefore, we have one important tip from experts for you to make sure to avoid wrong recruitments!
Senior recruiter Richard Holmes has eighteen years of experience within recruitment and he emphasizes the common mistake of putting too much focus on the resume, rather than the candidate.
"This issue is common among employers looking to replace a favorite employee or close colleague at work. For those that have worked with you a while it is a great deal."
Don't look for the unicorn candidate, instead look for the candidate with the right competence, and maybe more importantly, attitude and mindset. World famous author Simon Sinek says "You don’t hire for skills, you hire for attitude. You can always teach skills."
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